Cloud Developer


Nanodegree key: nd9990

Version: 2.0.0

Locale: en-us

The course is focused on training the learner to achieve critical AWS skills to become an effective cloud developer.


Part 01 : Welcome to the Cloud Developer Nanodegree program

Part 02 : Cloud Fundamentals

The cloud has become a key enabler for innovation with beneficial features like high availability, unlimited capacity, and on-demand scalability and elasticity. Learn the fundamentals of cloud computing while being introduced to compute power, security, storage, networking, messaging, and management services in the cloud. While learning the fundamentals, you will explore tools and services offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS) through interactive hands-on exercises. By the end of the course, you will have deployed your first website to AWS, and you will be prepared to continue your learning journey in the Cloud Developer nanodegree program.

Part 03 : Full Stack Apps on AWS

Part 04 : Monolith to Microservices at Scale

Part 05 : Develop & Deploy Serverless App

Serverless technologies have become very popular recently because they can increase the speed of development and drastically reduce the cost of running a cloud infrastructure. This course combines the theory of using serverless technologies with the practice of developing a complex serverless application and focuses on learning by doing. You will learn advanced serverless features such as implementing WebSockets and stream processing and learn about serverless best practices throughout the course.

Part 06 : Capstone